Monday, May 7, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012


   Clyde Singleton or Piff Huxtable as he is known on blogger was one of the first popular black skaters. In the early 90s he lived in a white neighborhood where many kids skated. At the age of 12 he was lent a skateboard to ride to the bus, and after riding it for 10 blocks he was hooked. After skating for a couple years in his neighborhood near Roosevelt Mall his family moved back to Northside, where almost no one skated. He kept practicing even though many people at his school cast him out, he had a dream of becoming pro one day.

   At age 17 in 1996 or 97' Clyde was sponsored by TransWorld Skateboarding and was brought from his home in Jacksonville, FL to California, a huge skating hotspot at the time. For the next 10 years he was sponsored but remained in relative obscurity. He took pictures and wrote an article called Clyde's corner for a while in 05' and 06'. He became popular in 2006 and 2007 when he stared working on a project called Minority Report, It was a collaboration of many sponsored black skaters that he felt weren't getting enough recognition.

   In an interview he said "Skateboarding only takes a couple of minorities at a time, that's a fact." When asked if he thought he was a popular skater, he responded, "Oh yeah, I was definitely one of the black ones."

  The idea of being black and "gangsta" shows up in his blog a lot, it seems to be a satire on the stereotypes of being black. Many of his posts are about day to day life but he adds humor to them using a severely inner city affect that to the untrained eye is almost undecipherable. Although day to day life is a common topic he also posts about certain political and rights issues when events arise near him, many of his views are fairly liberal but they hold a totally different perspective and affect which can provide some interesting insights into the issues at hand.